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Accessible Garden

When we moved to a home that was better suited for Cole, we found that the rear garden had been block paved, but it had quite a slope to it.

The small hedge between us and the neighbours meant that the garden wasn't very private and Cole could not be outside with his dogs, as they could easily get through the hedge and were likely to escape.

Thanks to the kind donations we have received so far, we have been able to have a new fence erected.

This means that Cole now has the privacy he was missing, and now feels comfortable outside, and can enjoy being out there with his dogs.

However.....the areas surrounding the block paving are very uneven and get quite muddy when it rains, which means Cole cannot access those areas in his wheelchair. There are also currently sleepers between the block paving and the bottom end of the garden, which also prevents Cole from accessing the full garden area.

What we would like to achieve is, a garden which is all one level and flat, meaning that Cole can freely access and enjoy every aspect of the garden.

We also want to create and area where he can have his hot tub positioned, so that it can stay up permanently (currently it has to be put up/down as needed due to the shortage of practical space for it, and the slope the garden is on.

Being outside in the fresh air, is one of the things that Cole enjoys most in life, and to be able to spend time outside while at home would be such an important addition to his health and his well being.

Below are the images of the garden, and ideas of what we hope to achieve for Cole...

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